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Intelligent medical harness connection application solution

Author:SHUNGAL Click: Time:2021-06-04 09:51:32

Smart medical is to realize the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions and medical equipment by building a regional medical information platform for health archives and using the most advanced Internet of things technology, so as to gradually achieve informatization. Smart healthcare technology is the most advanced information science in the field of Internet of things technology.

Intelligent medical is to realize the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions and medical equipment by building a regional medical information platform for health archives and using the most advanced Internet of things technology, so as to gradually achieve informatization. In the near future, the medical industry will integrate more high technologies such as artificial intelligence and sensing technology, so as to make medical services Intelligent in real sense and promote the prosperity and development of medical undertakings. In the context of China's new medical reform, intelligent medicine is entering the lives of ordinary people.

With the extension of life expectancy, the decline of birth rate and people's attention to health, people in modern society need a better medical system. In this way, telemedicine and e-health are urgently needed. With the help of Internet of things / cloud computing technology, artificial intelligence expert system and intelligent equipment of embedded system, a perfect Internet of things medical system can be built, so that the whole people can enjoy top-level medical services equally, and solve or reduce the phenomena of difficult medical treatment, tense doctor-patient relationship and frequent accidents due to the lack of medical resources.

As early as 2004, Internet of things technology was applied to the medical industry. At that time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took a lot of practical actions to promote the implementation and promotion of RFID. Relevant government agencies passed legislation to regulate the application of RFID technology in drug transportation, sales, anti-counterfeiting and tracking system. American hospitals adopt a newborn management system based on RFID technology, using RFID tags and readers to ensure the safety of newborns and pediatric patients. At the end of 2008, IBM put forward the concept of "smart medicine", envisaging the full application of Internet of things technology to the medical field to realize medical information interconnection, sharing and cooperation, clinical innovation, diagnostic science and public health prevention.

Application of Internet of things in intelligent medical treatment

1. Hospital consumables management (Canadian hospitals use RFID technology to supplement consumables)

2. Blood management (Application of RFID in blood management)

3. Traceability of drugs (German pharmaceutical manufacturers use UHF labels to track drugs)

Combined with wireless network technology, bar code RFID, Internet of things technology, mobiles computing technology and data fusion technology, intelligent medical will further improve the service efficiency and service quality of medical diagnosis and treatment process, improve the comprehensive management level of the hospital, realize the wireless monitoring work, and comprehensively change and solve the modern digital medical mode, intelligent medical and health management The problems and difficulties of hospital information system, and greatly reflect the high sharing of medical resources and reduce public medical costs.

Through electronic medical treatment and RFID Internet of things technology, a large number of medical monitoring work can be wireless. Telemedicine and self-service medical treatment, timely collection and high sharing of information can alleviate the dilemma of resource shortage and uneven resource distribution and reduce the public's medical cost.

Development status of intelligent medicine

The development of intelligent medicine is divided into seven levels: first, business management system, including hospital charging and drug management system; Second, electronic medical record system, including patient information and image information; The third is clinical application system, including computer doctor's order entry system (CPOE), etc; Fourth, chronic disease management system; Fifth, regional medical information exchange system; Sixth, clinical decision support system; Seventh, the public health system. Generally speaking, China is in the stage of development from the first and second stages to the third stage, and has not established a real CPOE, mainly due to the lack of effective data, inconsistent data standards, coupled with the lack of clinical background of suppliers, and the lack of standard guidance in changing from standard to practical application. If China wants to enter the fifth stage from the second stage, it involves the formation of many industry standards and data exchange standards, which also needs to be improved in the future.

In terms of telemedicine, the domestic development is relatively fast, and the more advanced hospitals have actually come to the front in the application of mobiles information. For example, it can realize the real-time recording, transmission, processing and utilization of medical record information, patient information and condition information, so that relevant information can be shared in real time and effectively within and between hospitals through networking, which can play a good supporting role in the realization of telemedicine, expert consultation and hospital referral, This is mainly due to the promotion at the policy level and the support at the technical level. However, what is lacking is the long-term operation mode, the lack of large-scale and clustered industrial development, and the high cost, security and privacy problems, which also stimulate the future of intelligent medicine.

Development trend

The application of Internet of things technology in the medical field can make limited medical resources shared by more people through digital and visual mode. From the perspective of the development of medical informatization, with the increasingly obvious development trend of medical and health community and health care, the real-time tracking and monitoring of sign information in the family can be carried out through RF instruments and other relevant terminal equipment. Through the effective Internet of things, the hospital can realize the real-time diagnosis and health reminder for patients or sub-health patients, So as to effectively reduce and control the occurrence and development of patients. In addition, the application of Internet of things technology in drug management and medication will also play a great role.

With the development of mobiles Internet, medical treatment will be personalized and mobiles in the future. By 2015, more than 50% of mobiles phones users will use mobiles medical applications, such as smart capsule, smart wrist guard and smart health detection products. With the help of smart handheld terminals and sensors, health data will be measured and transmitted effectively.

In the next few years, the scale of China's intelligent medical market will exceed 10 billion yuan, involving a wide range of surrounding industries and a wide variety of equipment and products. The real launch of this market will not only affect the medical service industry itself, but also directly touch the interest chain including network suppliers, system integrators, wireless equipment suppliers and telecom operators, thus affecting the existing layout of the communication industry.

With the further improvement and improvement of security system and technology, the medical industry is fully qualified and capable of applying the latest scientific and technological achievements, leading the whole industry to a new level, providing the most advanced and timely medical services, establishing its own industry image, and serving users efficiently. In order to promote the specific requirements of modern and efficient management of the hospital, it is proposed to combine the current industry development level, use advanced technology, adopt safe and reliable network monitoring solutions, and "integrate and network" the monitoring system is in line with the development needs of hospital security work.

Intelligent medical treatment

Intelligent medical English abbreviation wit120 is a newly emerging proprietary medical term. By building a regional medical information platform for health records and using the most advanced Internet of things technology, it can realize the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions and medical equipment, and gradually achieve informatization.

Health needs

Due to the imperfection of the domestic public medical management system, the problems of high medical cost, few channels and low coverage perplex the people's livelihood. In particular, the medical problems represented by "low efficiency medical system, poor quality medical services, difficult and expensive medical treatment" are the main focus of social attention. The overcrowding of large hospitals, the lack of interest in community hospitals, and the cumbersome procedures for patients are all caused by the poor medical information, the polarization of medical resources and the incomplete medical supervision mechanism. These problems have become important factors affecting the harmonious development of society. Therefore, we need to establish a set of intelligent medical information network platform system, so that patients can enjoy safe, convenient and high-quality diagnosis and treatment services with short waiting time and basic medical expenses. Fundamentally solve the problems of "difficult and expensive medical treatment" and truly achieve "everyone is healthy and everyone is healthy".


Smart medicine consists of three parts: smart hospital system, regional health system and family health system.

1. The smart hospital system consists of two parts: digital hospital and improved application.

Digital hospital includes hospital information system (his), laboratory information management system (LIS), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), transmission system and doctor workstation. Realize the collection, storage, processing, extraction and data exchange of patient diagnosis and treatment information and administrative information.

The core work of doctor workstation is to collect, store, transmit, process and use patient health status and medical information. The doctor workstation includes a working platform for all medical processes such as outpatient and inpatient diagnosis and treatment, inspection, diagnosis, treatment, prescription and medical orders, course records, consultation, transfer, operation, discharge, medical record generation and so on.

The promotion application includes the application of remote image transmission, large amount of data calculation and processing technology in the process of digital hospital construction, so as to improve the level of medical service. For example:

Remote visit to avoid direct contact between visitors and patients, eliminate the spread of diseases and shorten the recovery process;

Remote consultation to support the sharing of advantageous medical resources and cross regional optimal allocations;

Automatic alarm to monitor the vital signs of patients and reduce the cost of intensive care;

Clinical decision-making system to assist doctors to analyze detailed medical records and provide the basis for making accurate and effective treatment plans;

Intelligent prescription, analyze the patient's allergy and medication history, reflect the information such as drug origin and batch, and effectively record and analyze the information such as prescription change, so as to provide reference for chronic disease treatment and health care.

2. Regional health system consists of two parts: regional health platform and public health system.

The regional health platform includes a regional health information platform that collects, processes and transmits all information recorded by communities, hospitals, medical research institutions and health supervision departments; It includes the use of cutting-edge science and computer technology to help medical units and other relevant organizations carry out disease risk assessment, formulate individual based risk factor intervention plans, reduce medical expenses, and formulate electronic health records (her) to prevent and control the occurrence and development of diseases. For example:

Community medical service system, which provides basic treatment for general diseases, community care for chronic diseases, upward referral for serious diseases, and receiving Recovery referral services;

The scientific research institution management system comprehensively manages the pathological research, drug and equipment development, clinical trials and other information of medical colleges, drug research institutes, Chinese medicine research institutes and other medical and health institutions.

The public health system consists of a health supervision and management system and an epidemic situation release and control system.

3. Family health system.

Family health system is the closest health protection to citizens, including video medical treatment for patients who cannot be sent to the hospital for treatment due to inconvenient movement, remote care for chronic diseases, old and young patients, health monitoring for special groups such as mentally retarded, disabled and infectious diseases, as well as intelligent medication system that automatically prompts medication time, taboos and remaining dosage.

From a technical point of view, the conceptual framework of smart medical (see the architecture diagram of smart medical scheme) includes five aspects: basic environment, basic database group, software basic platform and data exchange platform, comprehensive application and its service system, and guarantee system.

Basic environment: realize the interconnection with government information network through the construction of public health special network; Build a health data center to provide security for basic health data and various application systems.

Basic database: it includes six basic databases in the field of health, such as drug catalog database, resident health file database, PACS Image Database, LIS inspection database, medical personnel database, medical equipment and so on.

Basic software platform and data exchange platform: provide services at three levels:

The first is infrastructure services, which provide virtual optimization servers, storage servers and network resources;

The second is the platform service, which provides optimized middleware, including application server, database server, portal server, etc;

Finally, software services, including applications, processes and information services.

Comprehensive application and its service system: including smart hospital system, regional health platform and family health system.

Guarantee system: including safety guarantee system, standard specification system and management guarantee system. Build a security system from three aspects: technical security, operation security and management security to ensure the availability, confidentiality, integrity, non repudiation, auditability and controllability of the basic platform and each application system.

Intelligent medical harness connection application solution
Use the most advanced Internet of things technology to realize the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions and medical equipment, and gradually achieve informatization
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